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Welcome to the First Blog Post!

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to join me on this first blog post! Let me just say, you're a kind soul for following the breadcrumbs all the way here.

This blog is a place where I'll post whatever comes to my jumbled mind regarding overall health, fitness, nutrition, life, family, and business endeavors.

First off, I'd like to give a little background on myself. I grew up in Vernal, UT. If you don't know where that is, grab a map, and look in the armpit of Utah, near the corner of Wyoming and Coloroado. Bet you didn't think you were coming here for a geography lesson, did you?

I spent every season playing competitive sports in high school and I did it all (almost). Softball, volleyball, basketball, track, bowling.... and I loved every minute of it.

After high school, I went to Snow College in Ephraim, UT (which is even smaller than Vernal). I spent two semesters there studying social life and taking as many aerobics classes as I could. At the end of the year, I met my other half, Colton, and my school career was history-which was more than okay with me. We were married by the end of the summer and plans for our first business was under way. We've spent the past eight years building businesses, making memories, learning and growing together.

2015 we built a home and had our son, Jeter. A month after he was born, we decided the 9-5 grind wasn't our jam so we sold most our belongings, moved back to Vernal, moved in with my parents, and followed our dream of running our own businessfull-time.

Fast forward to 2019, we have our daughter, Brie, and are still running our successful business we opened four years prior. Things have been going great and we've learned so much from our journey.

I know that's just a nutshell of a life story. Along the way, I've lost myself, found myself, lost weight, gained weight, figured things out, discovered what I like, and what I don't like. This is a space where I hope to share everything I've learned in the last eight years plus the things I'm learning day-to-day as we live this crazy thing called life.

I appreciate you being here and hope you enjoy the ride-we sure have!

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1 comentario

21 jun 2022

I love this! Thank you so much for sharing!

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